AREMA cooperates with other higher education institutions and scientific research organizations at home and abroad for the purpose of designing and implementing joint scientific research projects, study programs, exchange of higher education teachers, scientific and other workers, exchange of students, exchange of scientific and professional publications, scientific information, participation in scientific meetings, symposia and conferences and implementation of other higher education activities.
The development of education at the institution follows modern European trends and recommendations, and the design of the educational offer is adapted to the offer of related institutions abroad and, above all, to the needs of local and foreign employers, which enables graduates to compete for employment on the international labor market.
In 2016, the institute obtained the ERASMUS university charter (Erasmus University Charter-EUC) for the first time, and in 2021 it was extended until 2027.
The number of the Erasmus charter is
The Erasmus ID code is

Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency, Madžarska

Univerza uporabnih znanosti – FH Joanneum, Avstrija

European Commision, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy
Politehnika Baltazar Zaprešić
Fakultet za mediteranske poslovne studije Tivat, Črna Gora
Adriatic University Bar, Črna Gora
Pan-European University, Slovaška
Maritime and Touurism Faculty, Bar, Črna Gora