Research and projects

AREMA is a scientific and research organization registered in the Research Organizations Register of the Public Agency for Research Activity of the Republic of Slovenia, dated 3rd of March 2015, by decision no. 6314-1194-2015 /3, and entered in the records of research organizations under no. 3492 and has independent research teams.

AREMA actively supports the participation of employees in domestic and international projects and, with its international agility, engages educators and researchers in the international research spheres of EU universities, industry, SMEs and beyond.

Through its project work, AREMA advocates an up-to-date transfer of new technologies and the use of European and world research achievements in the Slovenian university and economic space.

AREMA strives to act as an equal partner in many European programs, projects and initiatives covering its fields of interest.

In the last five years the management and faculties of AREMA have been involved and are still active in many projects: professional, consulting, scientific, domestic and international.

Among them, the most important projects and researches are:

  • Development of public-private innovation financing model for sustainable development in smart communities
  • Logistics management in smart industry + Legal protection of employees, management and capital in smart industry
  • EU tourism project Flavors of Styria 2018-2021
  • Operational Program for the Implementation of European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, Priority Axis "Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction" and 9.1 Priority Investments "Active Inclusion, including Promoting Equal Opportunities and Active Participation and Improving Employability", 9.1.2 Specific of the objective "Empowering target groups to move closer to the labor market".
  • Elements of support to strategic and implementation aspects of international development cooperation of the Republic of Slovenia
  • A framework of strategic orientations for promoting the internationalization of Slovenian SMEs
  • Establishing a model for monitoring the global competitiveness of the Slovenian economy
  • Preparation of content and program starting points for the Podravska region for the period after 2013 and formulation of recommendations for the field of project management and development of regional projects
  • FunReg-PolicyNet -
  • Health4Growth -
  • Project EU Education and Culture DG; Europeaan Union for Youth -
  • Tertiary logistics - a factor in Croatia's involvement in the European transport system
  • Internationalization strategy for small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland and Slovenia
  • ERDF, Central Europe Program; "ET STRUCT - Economic Educational Territorial Structure -
  • ERDF, Central Europe Program; IDEA (Fostering Transnational Knowledge Development) -
  • Performance training - The bridge to education
  • Performance training - The challenges of the countryside
  • Acquisition of basic and professional competences in the Savinjska region 2018-2022
  • Raising literacy levels and Project Learning for Young Adults